Pedagogy and professional development

Reflection Questions for the end of the day
50 reflection questions / prompts for the end of the school day.
50 questions displayed on your choice of cards or strips.
Provided in black/white and colour.
UK and US spelling (only affected one word – favourite/favorite)
2 cards displayed on each page.
16 strips displayed on each page.
♦ 50 questions on cards - colour
♦ 50 questions on card – black and white
♦ 50 questions on strips - colour
♦ 50 questions on strips – black and white
♦ Additional cards/strips for US spelling
A variety of thought-provoking questions that encourage students to reflect on their day at school. Suitable for all age groups.
♦ What are some ways that you could share your learning with your family and friends?
♦ If your teacher asked you to hand out a certificate today, who would you give it to? What would you write on it?
♦ What could you do tomorrow that might improve someone else’s day at school?
♦ What did you find challenging today? What did you do to manage the challenge?
♦ List 10 things about school that you appreciate.
♦ Did any activities today help you to understand things better than other activities you’ve tried?
♦ If you could have this day again, what would you do differently? What would you do the same?
♦ What school values did you show today? Give examples.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources